Structure and Process - Influence of Historical Agriculture of Linear Flow Paths by Extreme Rainfall in Brandenburg


  • Detlef Deumlich Institut für Bodenlandschaftsforschung, Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung (ZALF), Müncheberg Eberswalder Str. 84, 15374 Müncheberg, Germany



Erosion-3d, Historical land use, Model, Morphology, Rainstorm, Ridge and furrow system, Rusle, Water erosion


Long-term erosion forecast can completely misinterpret in extreme events in plain regions. Flow paths are well represented in the plain using digital elevation models in the 1-m grid (DEM1). The scale of the erosion process models and the elevation models is comparable. With it instruments are available to improve the erosion simulation. Simulations, based on (R)USLE family and bigger grid width, are relevant for regional overviews, to the clarification of small scale relevant linear erosion forms, however, unsuitably. The cross-slope tillage has intensified the water erosion in the examined case with special area morphology. From historical sources furrows of the ridge and furrow system were identified as runoff ways. Historical and actual information sources allowed the clarification of especially regional erosion events. Site specific and climatic factors as well as the actual land management caused a high damage magnitude in particular with extreme rainstorms, modified by historical land use structures.


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How to Cite

Deumlich, D. (2012). Structure and Process - Influence of Historical Agriculture of Linear Flow Paths by Extreme Rainfall in Brandenburg. Landscape Online, 31.



Research Article