

Uta Schirpke
Eurac Research, Institute for Alpine Environment, Italy

Werner Rolf
Chair for Strategic Landscape Planning and Management, Technical University of Munich

contact us: management(mailat)landscape-online.org

Copy Editor

Martina van Lierop
Chair for Strategic Landscape Planning and Management, Technical University of Munich

Publishing Editorial Board

The Publishing Editorial Board is composed by representatives of the executive board of the journals publishing Editor IALE-D - Chapter German and is in response of the structural journal development:

Christian Albert
Leibniz University Hannover, Institut for Environmental Planning

Dagmar Haase
Department of Geography, Humboldt Universität Berlin

Roman Lenz
School of Landscape Architecture, Environmental and Urban Planning, Nuertingen-Geislingen University

Ulrich Walz
Faculty of Agriculture / Landscape Management, Dresden University of Applied Sciences


Editorial Board and Subject Areas

Editorial board members are experts of the international IALE community and landscape ecologists beyond - from well established, old scientists to young scholars:

Ana Beatriz Pierri-Daunt
Environmental Science and Technology (ICTA-UAB) at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)Spain
Subjects: land use change and socioeconomic transformations

Andreas Aagaard Christensen
Department of People and Technology, Roskilde University, Denmark
Subjects: agricultural landscapes, landscape management and planning, histories and trajectories of rural land use and land cover change

Angela Lausch
Department of Landscape Ecology, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ, Germany
Subjects: quantitative landscape ecological modeling

Aude Zingraff-Hamed
LIVE UMR7362 research unit of the excellence University of Strasbourg, France
Subjects: spatial planning, river restorations, naure based solutions, climate adaptations

Audrey L. Mayer
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Concord, New Hampshire, US
Subjects: multidisciplinary sustainability science

Cristian Echeverria
Landscape Ecology Lab (LEP), Faculty of Forest Sciences, Universidad de Concepcion, Chile
Subjects: South American landscapes

Christoph Merz
Department of Earth Sciences, Free University of Berlin, Germany
Subjects: environmental hydrogeology and groundwater management

Dolors Armenteras
Departamento de Biología Bogotá, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Colombia
Subjects: fire ecology, deforestation, LULC, ES, conservation biology, biodiversity

Emilio Padoa-Schioppa
RULE - Research Unit of Landscape Ecology, University di Milano-Bicocca, Italy 

Franziska Komossa
Geocomputation, Department of Geography, University of Zurich, Switzerland
Subjects: landscape multifunctionality, landscape perception, human-environment indicators

Hannes Palang
School of Humanities, Tallinn University, Estonia
Subjects: cultural landscapes and human geography management

Irene Petrosillo
Departement of Biological and Environmental Sciences and Technologies, University of Salento, Italy
Subjects: Mediterranean landscapes

Janez Pirnat
Chair of Landscape Science and Geoinformatics, Departement of Forestry and Renewable Forest Resources, University of Ljubljana, Slovenija
Subjects: Cultural landscapes, landscape history, forest ecosystem services, urban forestry

Jessica Price
The Nature Conservancy, New York, US
Subjects: landscape modeling, stakeholder and community engagement, climate change mitigation and adaptation

Jianguo (Jingle) Wu
School of Life Sciences and School of Sustainability, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, USA
Subjects: Landscape Ecology and Sustainability Science

Jochen A. G. Jaeger
Concordia University Montreal, Canada
Subjects: road ecology, landscape structure and landscape change, urban sprawl, ecological modelling, and environmental indicators

Olaf Schroth
Faculty of Landscape Architecture, Hochschule Weihenstephan-Triesdorf (HSWT), Germany
Subjects: geodesign and geoinformatics, landscape visualisation

Peter Weißhuhn
Research Area Landscape Research Synthesis, Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF), Germany
Subjects: landscape entomology

Simona R. Grădinaru
Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL, Switzerland
Subjects: strategies for land use and urban planning, green infrastructure

Stefan Heiland
Institute of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning; Technical University of Berlin, Germany
Subjects: landscape planning

Uta Steinhardt
Faculty of Landscape Management and Nature Conservation, Eberswalde University, Germany
Subjects: landscape ecology and sustainable land management

Veerle Van Eetvelde
Department of Geography, Research Unit Landscape Research, Ghent University, Belgium
Subjects: landscape and cultural heritage

Wendy McWilliam
School of Landscape Architecture, Lincoln University, New Zealand 
Subjects: urban and rural green infrastructure 


Appreciation of former Members

Jörg Löffler (2007-2012), Roman Lenz (2013-2019)

Managing Editor
Ole Rösler (2007-2012), Werner Rolf (2013-2019), Peter Weißhuhn (2019-2020)

Publishing Editors
Dagmar Haase (2011-2016), Felix Müller (2007-2016), Jürgen Breuste (2007-2016), Ralf-Uwe Syrbe (2007)

Former members of the Editorial Board (since 2007)
Achim Bräuning, Anders Lundberg, Arno Kleber, Barry B. Baker, Boris Schröder, Burkhard Neuwirth, Claus Dalchow, Friedrich-Karl Holtmeier, Geoffrey Griffiths, Gerhard Gerold, Giovanni Zurlini, Harald Kaechele, Hartmut Leser, Hermann Klug, Hermann Kreutzmann, Hubert Wiggering, Janine Bolliger, Jesper Brandt, José Gómez Zotano, K. Bruce Jones, Karl-Heinz Erdmann, Klaus Müller, Leila Mahmoudi Farahani, Manfred Buchroithner, Margareta Ihse, Maria Teresa Pinto Correia, Marina Petrushina, Niina Käyhkö, Pei Shengji, Ralf Seppelt, Ralf-Uwe Syrbe, Rob Jongman, Roy Haines-Young, Sandrine Petit, Sergey Sokratov, Stefan Kaufmann, Sunil Nautiyal, Thomas Blaschke, Thomas Breuer, Thomas Mosimann, Ülo Mander, Ulrike Weiland, Ute Wardenga, Winfried Schenk, Wolfgang Haber, Yolanda Jiménez Olivencia and Zev Naveh