Insight into vegetation inclusion along urban roads: A pilot study on the preferences of expatriate roadside users in downtown Doha, Qatar
Roadside Vegetation, Physical Activity, Users’ Preferences of Benefits of Street Vegetation, Users’ Preferences of Street Vegetation TypesAbstract
Physical Activity (PA) is vital for health and well-being. Automobile-oriented urban development hinders PA in rapidly urbanized cities. In this regard, Complete Streets’ is an emerging design approach to provide equitable services for all road users while promoting PA. Qatar is introducing ‘Complete Streets’ as part of an urban beautification project in which trees are an integral design element. In the capital city of Doha, expatriates constitute a large portion of the resident population; and primary roadside users due to their dependence on public transportation like the Metro rail. Using a quantitative survey, this pilot study conducted in a typical road segment of downtown Doha investigated the preferences of expatriate roadside users for ecosystem services (ES) offered by the street vegetation, the four potential roadside vegetation types, and the associated reasons. The results revealed that the top two preferred ESwere the benefits of street vegetation in the aesthetic enhancement of streets and microclimate regulations. The vegetation type that was perceived to have more greenery was most preferred. The perceived ‘restorative’ benefits of street vegetation mainly influenced the preferences. The findings of this study provide insight into the inclusion of vegetation along roads under the beautification projects in downtown Doha by the Public Works Authority, Ashghal. It is the first study in Qatar that focuses on the preferences of expatriate roadside users for the ES offered by street vegetation and street vegetation types.
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