“Imagine the landscape”: Challenges of online teaching and learning about landscape during the COVID-19 pandemic – Lessons for the post-pandemic period





landscape-oriented courses, online education, blended learning, COVID-19 pandemic, Poznan


This paper considers how we can teach and learn about landscape in a virtual world in the post-COVID-19 period. The starting point for this research was the difficulties of teaching and learning about landscape during the pandemic, as at that time it was necessary to conduct education remotely. Online classes forced a reorientation of the hitherto widely used educational strategies and learning methods. This paper analyses students’ perceptions of remote education and reflects on the extent to which online learning can replace the real landscape. It involved bachelor’s and master’s students of Environmental Management at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan. These students participated in three landscape-oriented courses: ‘Development and Planning of Rural Areas’, ‘Cross-border Environmental Management’ and ‘Landscape Ecology’. Raw data was gathered using post-course surveys and both qualitative and quantitative research methods were used to analyse the data. The values that students gained from online learning of landscape were assessed, and concepts and teaching methods that might be useful in blended teaching and learning about landscape in the post-pandemic period were proposed.


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How to Cite

Markuszewska, I. (2023). “Imagine the landscape”: Challenges of online teaching and learning about landscape during the COVID-19 pandemic – Lessons for the post-pandemic period. Landscape Online, 98, 1111. https://doi.org/10.3097/LO.2023.1111